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This is how the story of Old Pro Tattoo aftercare was born. My name is Pabby the creator and inventor of these unique products. With over three decades as a practicing licensed professional tattoo artist, I was continually faced with a problem all professional tattooist have daily. Suggesting the best aftercare for the clients. There are numerous products on the market currently. Recently what I discovered through my research is none are made by a professional tattooist. Hence why those products were always semi effective and why we always had to be very selective in what we chose to recommend.

Currently, what was available up till now in tattoo aftercare, our suggestions were limited but basic, to wash with an antibacterial soap which all have dyes and fragrance. Then to apply a lotion that is petroleum free, no dyes or fragrances. Which they have a few brands that were our go to, but again was semi-effective, and not perfect because it was loaded with unnecessary ingredients , as well as adverse ingredients such as chemicals and loaded with preservatives. Some products recommended that are also semi-effective products contained certain vitamins, and other elements for healing, however are petroleum based products. Which is absolutely something we do not recommend. All of these products in someway or another contained things that a professional tattooist would not want in aftercare to heal tattoos. Which left us as professional tattoo artist with extremely limited choices, and never was truly the best choice. Due to these products were never made or produced for the exclusive healing of professional tattoos, none of them.

While at work, one day, tending to a regular client with a very large tattoo he had came in to get the third session of tattooing on a large piece. It had been two weeks since the 2nd session of the tattoo was done. I had noticed that it was not fully healed, so I asked the client what was he using to heal his tattoos? He said, he went to the store nearest his house and bought what was available. That being a regular soap and a lotion that was made from goat milk. I asked him, why did you not follow the aftercare that I had given him? This is the reason why his tattoo was not fully healed. The next words, he spoke really hit home. “ If your studio or you sold aftercare, I would've bought it, but I had to get what was available, and closest to me”. At that very moment, it struck me. Why don't we as artist sell aftercare products rather than suggesting products that are semi-effective for the clients to buy. Very few studios do this it is rare to say the least. I started looking up aftercare products for tattoos and saw the same issues as with the other products available at stores & online. Knowing what I would find Petroleum products and just a laundry list of everything else we as professional artists wouldn’t fully recommend, as well the products containers being an open tub or etc. Which is a huge issue, a big doorway for cross contamination and etc. There were many more issues I found through my research. That’s when I had seen and discovered what the problem really was. The solution hit me like a bolt of lightning. Everything I was seeing, the vast majority of every product on the current market, none were made by a professional tattoo artist. Literally not one was what we as artists would know to be the premium product! None that I had seen or even heard of.  I've been in this professional craft for over three decades I couldn't believe what I was seeing. For several weeks this continued to run through my head an thought to myself “ well, what would we want in a actual professional tattoo aftercare?” I knew what worked and of course what didn’t , believe me when I say I've seen it through all my years as a licensed practitioner. So I thought about what we recommended and why? What was in those products that we wanted and what was in them we didn’t want? I began to look into those ingredients an discovered much more.

I called a top reputable medical skin care laboratory to ask some questions about certain ingredients and collect more information. As we went into conversation they continued to ask me what all this was for? Again, I had a moment of clarity. These are the people that make the type of products we want, why am I asking for information when I should be asking them if they can produce what Im looking for, after all they are in that game of medical grade skin care of all kinds and etc. I asked for a NDA before going any further which they agreed to do and with that signing I told them what I wanted, what I wanted in it ,what it was for, and of course my professional background in the craft of tattooing as points of exclusive knowledge in this development. They were floored in silence and with their next breath loudly said that they could produce what I was seeking. With a fully staffed dept. of laboratory techs, medical scientists and etc. could easily develop my formula under strict health- medical labratory guidelines and have it FDA approved.

That was the day OLD PRO TATTOO AFTERCARE was born. The rest snowballed into place as the demand of what this product was becoming more vividly clear each passing day. There is nothing like it or comparative anywhere. It is without doubt the one of a kind, factually true, professional tattoo aftercare.

The Old Pro tattoo antibacterial wash is also a very extremely unique formulated product. Which fell into place as it correlated with the aftercare needed. Taking the best of what we know in our professional craft making this one of a kind FDA approved professional tattoo wash. There is nothing available or like it anywhere. Being another Old Pro, Truly made for professional tattooing, products. The absolute premium match for its counter part Old pro professional tattoo lotion. There is over 3 decades of professional tattooing knowledge that went into each product. Not cutting any corners as to not jeopardize its quality or its effectiveness. It is what it is, The First true set of professional tattoo aftercare pioneered by a veteran accomplished tattoo artist and craftsman, Who has invested numerous years in the craft and its processes.  Finally introducing to the world the one and only- OLD PRO TATTOO AFTERCARE - for professional tattooing.